Developing better ways to live, work and care
Imagine a world in which the answer to cutting costs is improving the quality of services.
Where customer satisfaction rises with worker morale.
And where offering greater choice and control to customers maximises your organisational capacity.
Such a world is not only achievable, but an inevitable consequence of studying your organisation as a system and acting on what you have learned.
The difficulty is not developing new ideas but escaping the old ones
John Maynard Keynes

The only way to understand the performance of your organisation is to study your organisation as a system. Studying as a system means following service demand from end-to-end to forensically examine your capability of response and uncover the system conditions which limit your potential for radical service improvement.
The understanding you develop from studying your own services will give you the insight to identify the waste that can be removed in order that services are redesigned to only include the steps that you customer values. Developing new design sprint skills enables you to innovate, market test, improve and launch in a fraction of the time it took to develop poor services.
If you want someone to do a good job, give them a good job to do. Those who are in the work need systems and measures that enable them to monitor performance in real time and put the means for improvement in their hands - freeing managers to take action on the systems. Once achieved in one service, the wider organisation can be brought into new ways of working without need for gimmicky culture change.
Flock offer support in all areas of co-operative, social and community enterprise including business planning, governance, finance, environmental sustainability, fundraising, impact measurement and reporting, marketing, property management, investment readiness, decision-making and social return on investment.

Flock advise on all aspects of organisational structure and legal form, support the development of governance systems and register your co-operative or social enterprise with the right regulator for your activity.
Our advice ensures that you aren't shackled by poor choices of legal structure.
Corporate secretarial and reporting services also available.
A social enterprise, whatever form it takes, is first and foremost a trading business. Its difference is that it trades primarily for social benefit. But like any other business it needs to generate profits (or surplus) to thrive.
Whether you are starting out with an idea, looking to grow and develop your business or want to know about more about social ownership and co-operative business models we can help you.
Social Accounting is about measuring what matters so that you can evidence and account for the social impact you make.
All businesses must produce annual financial accounts to demonstrate to its stakeholders how well it is performing, but not all businesses are created with the primary purpose of making profit. Social accounting applies the same rigour to measuring and managing your social and environmental bottom line.